UI and Graphic Design
Game UI designs
The following creations are personal projects done on free time, every images used in HUDs are personal photomontage created with free of use images.
Fps hud exploration

Mission select screens
Feel free to enjoy the interactive experience with the following PC/console prototype (don't hesitate to switch on the "fit to width" option to have a well sized preview) :

Call of Duty Mobile proposition(s)
This is a projet done for myself, some content (such as the money icons and the events images) are Activisions' property and all rights go to them, the background image is a photomontage with free of use images same for the play mode pictures. All other content is of my creation :

E-learning interactive interface design
Creating the content and display for an e-learning interactive presentation for Cascade.
From the introduction of the concept to the principles, to the concluding quiz, the goal was
to make the presentation enriching, interactive and fun for the public.

Vues Dans La Tête De...

After renewing the visual identity of Vues Dans La Tête De... we were lead to redesigning the entire website to match with the new identity.
Totem Studio
Personal project of creating a Photograph's identity and website design.

Freelance Web animation Contract
Animating website loading icon for a tattoo studio